Coval Recyclage a pioneering company in e-waste recycling. Our services cover all aspects of WEEE recycling process, including material transport, collection, sorting, transformation and recycling

WEEE Recycling

We recycle all types of electrical waste including computer recycling, data destruction and WEEE collections. Detailed reporting is provided with a recycling certificate.

We Collect

We collect electronic equipment from over 20 countries in the world. If your equipment uses a battery, we can recycle it, and we take care of the transport and collection process.

Data Destruction

Coval Recyclage can physically destroy hard drives, cell phones, PDAs, tablets, tapes, flash memory, RAM, ROM, integrated circuits, DVDs, CDs and computer equipment.

Certificate of destruction

Our secure data destruction services ensure all data is destroyed and irrecoverable. A Certificate of Data Destruction is provided for 100% Secure Data Destruction.


Our factory, located in Casablanca (Morocco), recycles several tons of electronic waste each month, which are prepared, sorted and recycled. Our complete facility allows us to process all sizes of e-waste and adhere to industry standards.

E waste recycling

For all your requests relating to data destruction or computer and electronic recycling of your old devices, please contact us using this contact form.
Your request will be processed as soon as possible and one of our agents will contact you to follow up on your request.

Other requests

For any other request, whether for the recycling of other types of materials, commercial or partnership proposals, please contact us via this form.
Your request will be processed as soon as possible and one of our agents will contact you to follow up on your request.
